I shouldn't have to tell you that driving under the influence is a phenomenally bad idea, but if there was ever a weekend to be sober on the road it is Fourth of July weekend.
Although people usually consider New Years Eve to be the deadliest day on the road, Fourth of July weekend accounts for 43 percent of all alcohol related deaths. In other words, Fourth of July weekend is the deadliest weekend of the year.
It may seem like this message is purely for the young adults (21 and up) who follow the Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition, but there are plenty of underage drinkers getting behind the wheel too! According to the CDC, 25% of drivers ages 15 to 20 who died in motor vehicle crashes had a BAC of 0.08% or higher. Since motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among youth ages 15-20, that means over a quarter of these deaths are attributed to alcohol.
What else should you know if you are driving this weekend? Well, if you live in Sonoma County, you should be prepared for County-wide DUI checkpoints all weekend. The first is scheduled for Friday night in Santa Rosa. So, if you are driving under the influence this weekend know this:
If you are 21 or older and have a BAC of 0.08% or higher you will lose your license for 4 months.
If you are under the age of 21 and you have a BAC of 0.01% (that's barely anything at all) you will lose your license for 1 year!
The entire Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition wishes everyone a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend. So, how are you going to stay safe this weekend? Comment on our Facebook page and let us know and you will be entered into our contest of the month! We can't wait to hear your tips!
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