Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cuidando de tu salud

"En los últimos 25 años, el porcentaje de niñas que están sobre peso se ha duplicado", dice la American Academy of Pediatrics. Las niñas que son parte de minorías tienen el mayor riesgo de obesidad infantil. Este grupo de minorías incluye a las niñas latinas. El sobrepeso puede causar problemas de salud crónicos como la diabetes tipo II. La falta de atención de la salud pone a los grupos minoritarios en un mayor riesgo de ser menos saludable.

Algunos de los obstáculos que una latina se enfrenta al tratar de acceder a la atención de la salud incluyen la lingüística, las creencias culturales, y la situación financiera, de acuerdo con, el Center for Studying Health System Change. En algunos casos puede ser un reto para que una mujer latina entienda inglés por lo tanto, se sienten intimidados a buscar atención médica, ya que puede ser que los proveedores de salud no les ayudarán en su lengua materna.

Además, la cultura juega un papel en el cuidado de la salud. Específicamente en la cultura latina algunas de las familias creen en la medicina holística en lugar de la medicina occidental tradicional. Entonces eso resulta en no ir al médico, según dice la investigadora ,Catalina Dower. Además, financieramente hay muchas familias latinas que son de bajos ingresos, según el Censo 2010 de Estados Unidos, que hace que sea difícil pagar la atención médica.

Estar sano y prevenir la obesidad es muy importante. Si usted se encuentra en una situación donde usted no ha visitado a un médico en un largo periodo de tiempo le aconsejo que tome el control de su salud y haga una cita. A continuación ice una lista de algunas clínicas locales en Santa Rosa. Algunas ofrecen servicios gratuitos a los adolescentes, mientras que otros ofrecen una tarifa muy baja. No se sienta avergonzado de buscar los recursos que pueda necesitar, ya que están aquí para su uso.

Elsie Allen Health CenterPhone: 707-528-5770599 Bellevue Avenue, G17Santa Rosa, CA 95407Web: www.myelsie.orgView Map

The Vista Family Health CenterPhone: 707-303-36003569 Round Barn CircleSanta Rosa, CA 95403View Map

Southwest Community Health centerPhone: 707-547-2222751 Lombardi CourtSanta Rosa, CA 95407

Taking care of your health

“Over the past 25 years, the percentage of overweight girls has more than doubled,” says the American Academy of Pediatrics . Minority girls have the highest rates of childhood obesity. That includes Latinas girls. Being overweight can lead to chronic health problems like Type II diabetes. The lack of health care puts minority groups at a greater risk of being unhealthy.

Some of the barriers that a Latina faces when trying to access health care include linguistics, cultural beliefs, and financial status, according to the Center for Studying Health System Change. In some cases it can be a challenge for a Latina to understand English therefore; they feel intimidated to seek health care because it may be a possibility that the health care providers will not assist them in their native language.

In addition, culture plays a role in health care. Specifically in the Latino culture some of the families believe in holistic medicine as opposed to traditional western medicine. Leading Latina’s to not visit a doctor, according to researcher Catherine Dower. Also , financially wise there are many Latino families who are low- income according the 2010 U.S Census which makes it challenging to afford health care.

Being healthy and preventing obesity is very important. If you are are in a situation where you have not visited a doctor in a long period of time I advice you to take control of your health and set up an appointment. Below are some local clinics in Santa Rosa. Some offer free services to teens while others offer a very low rate. Don’t be embarrassed to seek the resources that you may need because they are here for you to use!

Elsie Allen Health CenterPhone: 707-528-5770599 Bellevue Avenue, G17Santa Rosa, CA 95407Web: Map

The Vista Family Health CenterPhone: 707-303-36003569 Round Barn CircleSanta Rosa, CA 95403View Map

Southwest Community Health centerPhone: 707-547-2222751 Lombardi CourtSanta Rosa, CA 95407View Map

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Un blog de nuestra lider Alexis Vargas: Abrazos, no Drogas

De acuerdo con la American Academy Child and Adolescent Psychiatrylas, las cinco drogras más utilizados por los adolescentes son la mariguana, medicamentos recetados, éxtasis, inhalantes, cocaína y heroína. Muchos adolescentes empiezan a consumir drogas a una edad muy joven, porque quieren quedar bien delante de sus amigos preocupados de que no podrán ser parte de un circulo de amigos o también puede ser la curiosidad.

Lo que los jóvenes no tienen en mente son las consecuencias de corto y largo plazo que tienen las drogas .La cocaína, restringe el flujo sanguíneo al cerebro, acelera el ritmo cardíaco y causa la coagulación sanguínea, lo que aumenta la posibilidad de sufrir un derrame cerebral o un ataque al corazón. La cocaína también limita la capacidad del cuerpo para combatir infecciones. No sólo eso, pero el usuario también está en mayor riesgo de tener hepatitis, enfermedades de transmisión sexual y VIH / SIDA. La heroína causa colapso de las venas, infección bacteriana de los vasos sanguíneos y las válvulas del corazón.

Algunos adolescentes piensan que la mariguana no es una gran cosa y no afecta el cuerpo. De hecho, genera problemas respiratorios, como tos y sibilancias. También aumenta la posibilidad de resfriados de pecho. El uso intensivo diario de la mariguana afecta las partes del cerebro que controlan la memoria, la atención y el aprendizaje. Por otra parte, aquellos que toman los inhalantes sufren de insuficiencia cardíaca. Los inhalantes también pueden causar asfixia, debilidad muscular, falta de coordinación y puede dañar gravemente los órganos vitales.

Finalmente, una de las razones por cual las drogas recetadas son abusados es ​​por que son fácil de obtener. El uso de drogas prescritas de forma no adecuada pueden llevar a cambios de humor, vómito, disminución de la capacidad de pensar y también puede disminuir la función respiratoria. Ahora que usted esta consciente de las consecuencias que las drogas traen tome la decisión correcta, y mantengase libre de drogas.

A blog from our leader Alexis Vargas : Hugs not Drugs

According to the American Academy Child and Adolescent Psychiatry the five drugs most used by teens are marijuana, prescription drugs, ecstasy, inhalants, cocaine and heroin. Many teenagers start using drugs at a very young age because they want to look good in front of their friends worried that they might not fit in or it may just be curiosity.What teens are not aware of are the short and long term consequences.

Cocaine, restricts blood flow to the brain, speeds up the heart rate and causes blood clotting, which increases the possibility of having a stroke or a heart attack. Cocaine also limits the body’s ability to fight infections. Not only that, but the user is also in greater risk of having hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/Aids. On the other hand heroin causes collapsed veins, bacterial infection of the blood vessels and heart valves, including kidney and liver disease.

Some teenagers think that marijuana is not a big deal and does not affect the body. In fact, it causes breathing problems, including coughing and wheezing. It also increases the possibility of chest colds. Heavy daily use of marijuana affects parts of the brain that control memory, attention and learning. Furthermore, those who take inhalants suffer from heart failure. Inhalants also cause suffocation, muscle weakness, lack of coordination and can seriously hurt vital organs.

Finally, one of the reasons why prescribed drugs are commonly abused by teens is because it is easy to obtain. Using prescribed drugs for the wrong reasons can lead to vomiting, mood changes, decreased ability to think and can also decrease respiratory function. Now that you are aware of the consequences that drugs bring make the right choice and stay drug free.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Un blog de nuestra Lider Aolani Contreras: La clave para una vida exitosa es el equilibrio

Como Pablo menciono en el blog anterior, "a mí me parece que el estrés está controlando la vida de muchos estudiantes, especialmente los de la escuela secundaria y la universidad." Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Como estudiante todos pasamos por momentos llenos de tensión, pero es normal. Tenemos que ir a la escuela, hacer la tarea, limpiar las habitaciones, y aparte de eso tenemos que lidiar con los problemas sociales y familiares, esas son un montón de cosas que tenemos que hacer en tan poco tiempo. Pero siempre es importante tener en cuenta que podemos tomar un descanso, toma por lo menos 30 minutos al día para sentarte y reflexionar, puede ser una de las mejores decisiones que puedes tomar.
Pablo menciono algunas cosas que usted puede hacer para poder aliviar el estrés y me gustaría añadir a esa lista:

* puedes tomar tiempo para ver tu programa favorito

* juega un juego de vídeo

* da un paseo o ve a dar una carrera

* lee un libro

* medita

* escucha música o

* toma una siesta

Otra cosa que puedes hacer es simplemente comer la cena en la mesa en vez de comer en su escritorio mientras usted está haciendo la tarea. Eso puede hacer una gran diferencia. Has tomar un descanso una prioridad diaria. Las investigaciones han demostrado que las personas que toman descansos son más saludables y felices. Empezando mañana si te sientes como si estuvieras a punto de explotar por hacer tanta tarea sal para afuero por un momento y respirar, esos momentos te quitaran un gran peso de tus hombros y te sentirás más saludable. Y ten en cuenta que la clave del éxito es el equilibrio.

Guest blog by Peer Leader Aolani Contreras: The key to a successful life is balance

As Pablo mentioned on the previous blog,” it seems to me that stress is controlling many students’ lives, especially those from high school and college.” I completely agree. As students we all go through moments full of stress, but it’s normal. We have to go to school, do homework, clean our rooms, and apart from that we have to deal with social and family issues; those are a lot of things to do in so little time. But it’s always important to remember that it’s okay to rest; taking at least 30 minutes a day to just sit down and reflect, can be one of the best decisions you make.

Pablo mentioned some things you can do to relief your stress and I would like to add on to that list:
*You can take time to watch your favorite show

*play a video game

*take a walk or go on a run

*read a book


*listen to music or

* take a nap

Another thing that you can do is to simply have dinner at the dinner table and not on your desk while you do homework can make a huge difference. Make taking a break a daily priority. Tests have proven that people who take breaks are healthier and happier.Starting tomorrow if you feel like you’re about to explode from doing so much homework go outside and breathe, those moments will take a huge weight off your shoulders and you’ll feel healthier! And keep in mind that the key to success is balance.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Un blog de nuestro Líder Pablo Cruz, La Rutina Diaria: ¿Cuánto tiempo hasta que nos cáiganos?

Me parece que el estrés esta controlando la vida de muchos estudiantes, especialmente los de la escuela secundaria y la universidad. El estrés inicia al instante que el ruido de la alarma suena. Una de mis buenas amigas, dijo: "odio tener que levantarme al ruido de la alarma .

Se siente como que penetra a través de mi cuerpo. "Como estudiante, mis días comienzan con el estrés. Me apresuro a tomar el desayuno y para alistar mis materiales. Tan pronto como llego a la escuela el parqueadero es una molestia y temo que voy a llegar tarde a clase. Mientras camino rápidamente ya puedo escuchar a mi profesor diciendo: "¿mi clase comenzó minutos antes por qué llegas tarde?" Pero finalmente llego a la clase y el profesor pregunta "¿cómo fue la lectura? ... bien, bien, porque vamos a tener un examen."

Incluso cuando estoy sentado sin el examen enfrente de mí, la ansiedad comienza a abrumar a mi cuerpo como un perro hambriento. A pesar de que llegué a clase al final del día estoy agotado mentalmente, físicamente e incluso emocionalmente.

Aun cuando el día de la escuela se ha terminado el estrés continúa ya que algunos estudiantes corren a casa a comer un bocadillo y se preparan para ir al trabajo. Después de 4-6 horas de trabajo, se ha llegado el momento de volver a casa cansados, con hambre, sueño, y agotados. Es tiempo para descansar. Pero la realidad es que no hay tiempo para descansar debido a las tareas. Entonces, de rapantemente se llega la medianoche, o incluso a veces las 2 a.m. Con sólo 5-7 horas de haber dormido los estudiantes se despiertan agotados y una vez más, el estrés toma control.

Escribo esto para tratar de apoyar a todos los estudiantes por su gran trabajo. La escuela no es fácil para todos y tenemos que tomar un descanso, y ser pacientes. Manténgase activos en algún tipo de ejercicio y lo más importante, duerman y sonrían.

Guest Blog by Peer Leader Pablo Cruz, Daily Routine: How Long Until We Fall?

It seems to me that stress is controlling many students’ lives, especially those from high school and college. It begins from the very second we get up to that noisy alarm clock. One of my good friends said “I hate waking up to the alarm clock. It feels like it pierces through my body.”

As a student my days begin with stress. I rush to eat breakfast and to get my supplies ready. As soon as I arrive to school parking is a hassle and I fear that I will be late for class. While walking at a fast paste I can already hear my professor saying, “my class started minutes ago why are you late?” But I finally make it to class and the teacher mentions “how was the reading? ...okay good, because we’re having a quiz.”

Even when I am sitting without the exam in front of me, I tend to freak out as the anxiety starts to overwhelm my body like a starving dog. Even though I made it to class at the end of the day, I tend to be both mentally and physically drained, and maybe even emotionally.

Even when the school day is over the stress continues as some students rush home, eat a snack, and get ready to drive to work. After 4-6 hours of work, it is finally time to go home tired, hungry, sleepy, and exhausted. It is time to rest. But the reality is that there is no time to rest due to homework. Then suddenly it is about midnight, maybe or sometimes even 2 a.m. With only 5-7 hours of sleep a day students tend to wake up exhausted and once again the stress is talking control.

I write this to try and give a pat on the back to all students, great job! School is not easy for everyone and we have to always relax, take a break, and be patient. Stay active in some sort of exercise and most importantly, sleep and smile.

Monday, September 5, 2011

¿Tatuajes hechos en casa?

A medida que camino por los pasillos de mi universidad, veo tatuajes en todas partes, algunos son muy grandes, mientras que otros son pequeños y sencillos. Los tatuajes son más populares entre los estudiantes más jóvenes. Al parecer, los estudiantes han estado esperando a que cumplan los 18 años para correr y hacerse un tatuaje. Lo que me sorprendió más fue cuando pregunte en dónde se habían hecho su tatuaje. Algunos estudiantes dijeron , "en un despacho de tatuajes", mientras que otros dijeron, “es hecho en casa". La dermatólogo, Dr. Lisa Kellett menciona que los tatuajes hechos en casa le preocupación porque el producto y las herramientas que se utilizan por lo general no son estériles. También dijo, "el riesgo inmediato para la salud puede ser una infección, y el segundo riesgo es que la piel se puede traumatizar." También es importante tener en cuenta que si una aguja infectada se utiliza hay un riesgo de hepatitis y VIH. "Las infecciones pueden transmitirse de varias maneras en un lugar que no es profesional, por ejemplo el uso de agujas no esterilizadas, no usar guantes para un tatuaje o trabajar en un ambiente sucio," dijo la Dr. Kellett.

Otros riesgos contra la salud incluyen, unos granos que pueden salir en la piel llamados granulomas que se forman alrededor de la tinta del tatuaje de acuerdo con Mayo Clinics. Después de que el tatuaje se aplica también es importante de mantenerlo en bien estar. Mayo Clinics, dice que el vendaje se puede quitar después de 24 horas y luego debes aplicar una pomada antibiótica en la piel tatuada mientras se está sanando. Use jabón y agua para mantener limpia la zona tatuada. Evite la aplicación de crema hidratante y la exposición al sol para que permita que el tatuaje se sane adecuadamente. Pero se necesitará alrededor de dos semanas para que el tatuaje se sane. Así que ten cuidado de no picarte las costras, para que no corras el riesgo de una infección.

A pesar de que un tatuaje hecho en casa puede ser más barato, al largo plazo podría llegar a infectarse y será mucho más caro. Se llevará a minutos u horas para conseguir un tatuaje, pero tomará varios tratamientos para eliminarlo. Aunque yo no estoy en contra o para los tatuajes, es importante conocer los peligros y los pasos para un buen cuidado de tatuajes. Antes de ponerte un tatuaje es muy recomendable de que pienses bien lo que deseas y si es algo de lo que no te arrepentirás en diez años, porque todos sabemos que los tatuajes son permanentes. Como una joven de 18 años, mis gustos han cambiado con los años y sería un desafío para mí tomar la decisión drástica de hacerme un tatuaje y esperar a quedar satisfecha a medida de que envejezco. Hay por lo menos un 50% de probabilidad de que un tatuaje puede ser no deseado en una edad más avanzada. También la posible eliminación de un tatuaje, con todo el dolor que lleva debe ser una consideración.

Homemade tattoos?

As I walk down the hallways of my college I see tattoos everywhere, some are very large while others are small and simple. The tattoos are most popular with the younger students. Apparently students have been waiting for their 18th birthday to rush and get a tattoo. What shocked me the most was when I asked where they had gotten their tattoo. Some students said, “at a tattoo shop” while others said, “it is homemade”. Cosmetic Dermatologist Dr. Lisa Kellett mentions that homemade tattoos concern her because the product and tools that are being used usually aren’t sterile. She also stated, “the immediate health risk could be an infection and the second risk would be traumatizing the skin.” It is also important to note that if an infected needle is used there is a risk of hepatitis and HIV. “Infections can be spread in several ways in an unprofessional setting: using unsterilized needles, not using gloves to a tattoo or working in a dirty environment,” said Dr. Kellett.

Other health risks include, getting bumps called granulomas that form around the tattoo ink according to Mayo Clinics. After the tattoo is applied it is also important to take good care of it. Mayo Clinic’s says to remove the bandage after 24 hours and apply antibiotic ointment to the tattooed skin while it is healing. Use plain soap and water to keep the tattooed area clean. Applying moisturizer and avoiding sun exposure will allow the tattoo to heal properly. But it will take about two weeks for the tattoo to heal so be careful to not pick the scabs because they increase the risk of infections.

Although a tattoo may be cheaper if it is homemade, in the long run it could become infected and it will be far more expensive. It will take minutes or hours to get a tattoo, but it will take multiple treatments to remove it. Although I am not against or for tattoos, it is important to know the potential dangers and the steps in taking good care of it. In addition, when getting a tattoo, it is highly recommended that you think through what it is that you want and if it is something that you will not regret in ten years from now because we all know tattoos are permanent. As an 18 year old myself, my tastes have changed over the years and it would be a challenge for me to make the drastic decision of getting a tattoo and expect to be satisfied with it as I grow older. There is at least a 50 % chance that a tattoo may be unwanted at a later age. Also the possible removal of a tattoo, with all the pain involved should be a consideration.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

El acoso escolar no sera tolerado!

La escuela está a la vuelta de la esquina para los estudiantes. Los estudiantes de secundaria comienzan la escuela hoy y los estudiantes universitarios van a comenzar pronto. Mientras estaba en facebook hace unos días atrás todos estaban hablando de cómo se iban a vestir, con que se iban a juntar, y cuales clases iban a tomar. Pero había un mensaje en particular que me llamó mucho la atención. Decia, "solicitud especial a todos los niños que regresan a la escuela en los próximos días: Si ves a alguien que está luchando por hacer amigos o están siendo intimidado por que él / ella no tienen muchos amigos o porque son tímidos o porque no están tan bonita/o o porque se visten con ropa que no esta a la moda -POR FAVOR ayúdalos. Diles hola o dales una sonrisa por lo menos en el pasillo. Nunca sabes por lo que esta persona podría estar enfrentando fuera de la escuela. Su bondad sólo puede hacer una gran diferencia en la vida de alguien.” Las estadísticas del acoso escolar del 2009 dicen que entre el 15 y el 25 por ciento de los estudiantes en general son víctimas frecuentes del acoso escolar y del 15 al 20 por ciento de estudiantes intimidan a otros estudiantes a menudo. Cuando leí este mensaje de facebook me puse muy contento porque no a sólo más de 20 jóvenes les gusto el mensaje pero también había muchos comentarios positivos y finalmente este mensaje terminó siendo repartido en otros facebooks. Esto demuestra que los jóvenes están tratando de hacer una diferencia para ponerle un fin al acoso escolar.

El acoso escolar es cuando alguien sigue haciendo o diciendo cosas que tienen poder sobre otra persona. No sólo el acoso escolar afecta a una persona mentalmente sino también físicamente. Algunos de los efectos del acoso escolar son la depresión, estar nervioso y distante, no querer ir a la escuela, ansiedad y tendencias suicidas. Si usted o alguien a su alrededor está siendo intimidado hay algunas cosas que usted puede hacer para detenerlo. Ignorar al agresor y aléjate. También es importante hablar con un adulto de confianza acerca de la situación, te escucharan. Si ves a alguien siendo intimidado siempre debes de tratar de ponerle un alto a la situación, por que si no lo haces el mensaje que estás dando es que tu estas de acuerdo con el acoso escolar.

El SCPOC ha estado trabajando en un video para crear conciencia sobre el acoso escolar. Vaz a poder verlo en un par de semanas pero por ahora me gustaría animar a todos los estudiantes a que le pongan un alto al acoso escolar.

Bullying will not be tolerated!

School is right around the corner for students. High school students start school today and college students are starting soon. While I was on facebook a few days ago everyone was talking about what they were going to wear, who they were going to hang out with, and what classes they had. But there was one post in particular that really caught my attention. It stated “Special request to all you kids returning to school in the next few days: If you see someone who is struggling to make friends or being bullied because he/she doesn't have many friends or because they are shy or not as pretty or not dressed in the most "in" clothes -PLEASE step up. Say hi or at least smile at them in the hallway. You never know what that person might be facing outside of school. Your kindness might just make a BIG difference in someone's life.” The 2009 Bullying statistics say that between 15 and 25 percent of students overall are frequent victims of bullying and 15 to 20 percent of students bully others often. To see this post elated me because not only did it have over 20 “likes” from other teens but it also had many positive comments and it eventually ended up being on other teen’s statuses. This demonstrates that teens are trying to make a difference and put a stop to bullying.

Bullying is when someone keeps doing or saying things to have power over another person. Not only does bullying affect someone mentally but also physically. Some effects of being bullied include depression, being nervous and distant, not wanting to go to school, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. If you or someone around you is being bullied there are a few things you can do to stop it. Ignore the bully and walk away. It is also important to talk to a trusted adult about the situation, they will listen to you. If you see someone being bullied you should always try to stop it otherwise the message that you are delivering is that bullying is okay with you.

The SCPOC has been working on an awareness video on bullying that you will be able to see in a few weeks but for now, I would like to encourage all students to do their part and put a stop to bullying.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Conducir borracho = Peligro

¿Sabía usted que cada quince minutos un adolescente muere por conducir ebrio? Lo que es mas sorprendente es que la mayoría de las veces la persona que esta conduciendo ebrio no sufre lesiones mayores. Las consecuencias se pagan, ya sea por los pasajeros o las personas del coche que ha sido golpeado. Imagínate vivir con el recuerdo terrible de saber que tu has tomado la vida de otra persona. O, sin embargo, nunca se sabe si alguien en la carretera esta conduciendo ebrio y tu vida está en riesgo.

Casey Goodwin, una estudiante de veinte años en el colegio de Cuesta Vista en San Luis Obispo, era una joven activa que participaba en programas tales como Friday Night Live y California Youth Council. Ella era reconocida como una defensor de la prevención del consumo de alcohol entre menores de edad en todo el estado de California. No sólo estaba comprometido con la prevención del alcohol, pero tenía sueños de algún día convertirse en un profesora de la preparatoria. El 13 de marzo del 2003 los sueños de Casey y su vida fueron llevados por un joven de dieciocho años de edad que estaba conduciendo ebrio y golpeo a Casey en la carretera. El joven de dieciocho años conducía al trabajo después de que había consumido algunas cervezas cuando ocurrió el incidente. Casey estaba en camino a celebrar el cumpleaños de su madre- nunca llego. Cuando la madre de Casey Lynne Goodwin llegó al hospital en el que Casey fue llevada ella recuerda cuando el médico dijo que los huesos de Casey se rompieron por lo que necesitaría llevar a cabo cirugía. No sólo eso, sino que también encontró que todos los órganos vitales de su cuerpo, excepto su corazón había sufrido daño irreparable. El cerebro de Casey también había sido dañado en ambos lados dejándola sin las ondas cerebrales. Es entonces cuando Goodwin se dio cuenta de que los médicos no podían hacer nada por Casey y ella tuvo que aceptar la dolorosa realidad de que Casey ya no estaba. El funeral de Casey fue asistido por más de 2,000 personas entre ellas estaban miembros de la familia, amigos, políticos, policías, y sus colegas.

El joven de dieciocho años que conducía ebrio no sufrió ninguna lesión pero fue condenado a diez años de prisión por homicidio vehicular. Estaba conduciendo 100 millas por hora cuando tomó la vida de Casey. La madre de Casey escribió en el sitio web de Casey, "He pasado gran parte de mi vida profesional trabajando para y con los jóvenes para evitar daños que pueden resultar en conductas de riesgo. Estos jóvenes también han incluido mis propios hijos. Irónicamente, mientras que mis hijos sabían el daño que puede resultar de beber y conducir no estaban seguros de ello. Era el chico que no sabía, que tomó la vida de mi hija.” Por eso es importante que los adolescente estén educados para evitar incidentes como éste.

La madre de Casey trabaja para el capítulo Friday Night Live y se pasa una gran cantidad de tiempo educando a los padres y adolescentes acerca de no conducir ebrio y cómo ella ha tenido que vivir con la muerte de su hija. Mientras yo asistía a la conferencia llamada, Youth Convergence en Miami, Florida en el 2008, tuve el honor de escuchar una presentación por Goodwin acerca de Casey. Goodwin inicia la presentación introduciendo la historia de Casey y poco a poco se avanza a la forma en que su hija falleció. Pero no es hasta el final de su presentación que menciona que ella es en realidad la madre de Casey. Las expresiones faciales en todos son increíbles. Esto no sólo nos impacta a todos en la habitación de la conferencia, pero sentimos el dolor a la madre de Casey y la ira hacia el joven de dieciocho años por conducir ebrio. Tragedias como ésta afectan directamente a la familia y todas las personas que rodean a Casey. Sinceramente, creo que historias como la de Casey se debe decir porque le dan a los oyentes una necesidad de educar a los adolescentes sobre conducir ebrio.

En honor de Casey Goodwin, Caseys Pledge ha sido desarrollado. Este es un compromiso donde los adolescentes se comprometen a no beber y conducir o estar en un coche con un conductor ebrio. Animo a todos los jóvenes a asumir el compromiso y que hagan esta opción saludable. Recuerda, no sólo es tu vida la que esta en peligro, sino también la vida de los demás.

Aquí hay algunas maneras en cuales tu puedes apoyar a Caseys Pledge:

• Si te encuentras en una situación en la que estás entrando en un coche y el conductor ha estado bebiendo llama a tus padres, un amigo, o un adulto de confianza para que te recojan.

• Relaciónate con personas que tienen un impacto positivo en tu vida.

• No bebas y conduzcas.

• Lleva Caseys Pledge a tu escuela y crear conciencia.

• ¡Se la persona que hace lo correcto!

¡Ten cuidado! Mantente con vida!

Drunk Driving = Danger

Did you know that every fifteen minutes a teen dies from drunk driving? What is even more eye opening is that most of the time the person who is drunk driving doesn’t suffer major injuries. The consequences are paid, either by the passengers or the people from the car that has been hit. Imagine living with the terrible memory of knowing that you have taken the life of someone else. Or yet, you never know if someone on the road is drunk driving and your life is at risk.

Casey Goodwin, a twenty year old college student at Cuesta Vista in San Luis Obispo, was an active teen who participated in programs such as, Friday Night Live and the California Youth Council. She was recognized as an advocate for the prevention of underage drinking all over the state of California. Not only was she committed to the prevention of alcohol but she had dreams of one day becoming a high school teacher. On March 13, 2003 Casey’s dreams and life were taken away by an eighteen year old drunk driver who hit her on the road. The eighteen year old was driving to work after he had some beers when the incident occurred. Casey was on her way to celebrate her mother’s birthday-she never made it. When her mother Lynne Goodwin arrived to the hospital that Casey was taken to she vividly remembers when the doctor stated that Casey’s bones were broken and they would need to perform surgery. Not only that but they also found that every vital organ in her body, except her heart had sustained irreplaceable damage. Casey’s brain had also, been damaged on both sides leaving her with no brain waves. That is when Goodwin realized that the doctors could not do anything for Casey and she had to accept the painful reality that Casey was gone. Casey’s funeral was attended by over 2,000 people including family members, friends, politicians, police officers, and colleagues.

The eighteen year old drunk driver did not suffer any injuries but he was sentenced to ten years in prison for vehicular manslaughter. He was driving 100 miles per hour when he took Casey’s life away. Casey’s mother wrote on the Casey’s Pledge website, “I have spent much of my professional life working for and with young people to prevent them from harm that can result from risky behavior. These young people have also included my own children. Ironically, while my children did know the harm that can result from drinking and driving they were not safe from it. It was the kid that didn’t know, that took my child’s life.” That is why it is important to be an educated teen to prevent incidents like this one.

Casey’s mother works for the Friday Night Live Chapter and she spends a great amount of time educating parents and teens about drunk driving and how she has had to live with her daughter’s death. While attending the Youth Convergence Conference in Miami, Florida in 2008, I had the honor to listen to Goodwin give a presentation about Casey. Goodwin starts these presentations by introducing Casey’s life story and slowly she advances to how her daughter passed away. But not until the very end of her presentation does she mention that she is in fact Casey’s mother. The facial expressions on everyone are unbelievable. Not only does this ending impact everyone in the room but we feel grief towards Casey’s mother and anger towards that eighteen year old for drunk driving. Tragedy’s like this one affect the family directly and everyone around them. I truly believe that stories like Casey’s should be told because it will give the listeners an urge to educate teens on drunk driving.

In honor of Casey Goodwin, Casey’s Pledge has been developed. This is a pledge where teens pledge not to drink and drive or get in a car with a drunk driver. I encourage all teens to take the pledge and to make this healthy choice. Remember, not only is your life in danger but also the life of others as well.

Here are few ways you can support Casey’s Pledge:

-If you run into a situation where you are getting into a car and the driver has been drinking call a parent, a friend, or a trusted adult to pick you up.
-Hang out with people who have a positive impact in your life.
-Don’t drink and drive.
-Take the pledge to your school and raise awareness.
-Be the person that does the right thing!
-Be safe! Stay alive!

Friday, July 15, 2011

¿Porqué debemos pasar el Dream Act?

¿Cómo te sentirías si estuvieras entrando al colegio con la esperanza de tener una carrera profesional, pero eres un estudiante que se ve privado de un número de seguridad social? Para muchos estudiantes que están en esta situación, el Dream Act es su única esperanza. El Dream Act federal permitirá un camino condicional de seis años a la ciudadanía con la exigencia de un título universitario o dos años en el ejército. Cuando estaba leyendo el periódico, Press Democrat, me encontré con un artículo de opinión por Anne Beldem, una profesora en el departamento de periodismo en el Colegio de Santa Rosa. El artículo se titulaba "Por qué frustrar los sueños de la juventud". Beldem analiza las historias de dos de sus estudiantes que se beneficiarían enormemente del Dream Act . "Tony", ha sido aceptado en el programa de periodismo en una Universidad de California, pero el va tener que pagar la matrícula completa, porque él no tiene la ciudadanía y no puede solicitar ayuda financiera. Después de su graduación, él no puede poner su licenciatura en uso, porque simplemente no tiene un número de seguro social.

Cuando los estudiantes se encuentran en situaciones como la de Tony, me puedo imaginar por qué no quieren llegar a la educación superior. Esto es lo que le pasó a la segunda estudiante de Beldem, "Grace". Grace llegó a los Estados Unidos a los cuatro años pero nunca se dio cuenta de que era ilegal hasta que sus padres le dijeron cuando estaba en la preparatoria. Al enterarse de su estado legal se deprimió y sus calificaciones comenzaron a bajar. Pero con orgullo Grace trabajado duro para mejorar sus calificaciones y a la misma vez empezó a dedicarse al servicio de la comunidad. Beldem dice: "65,000 soñadores se graduaron de las escuelas preparatorias esta primavera. Con un número de seguro social, los estudiantes pueden comprar seguros para la salud, la vida, los automóviles, pagar la colegiatura y, sobre todo pueden pagar impuestos. La Oficina de Presupuesto del Congreso estima que si el Dream Act pasa, los soñadores contribuirían con $ 2.3 billones a los ingresos del gobierno entre el 2011 y 2020. "

Me identifico con lo que Beldem ha sido testigo en su clase de periodismo con los estudiantes que son soñadores. Tengo muchas amigas que están en situaciones similares, pero hay una que se destaca en particular. Voy a llamarla "Sandy". Sandy llego a los Estados Unidos cuando tenia cuatro años después de que su madre se convirtió en una madre soltera con dos hijos. Sandy se ha destacado en la escuela, especialmente en dos áreas, Historia y Matemáticas. Manteniendo un puntaje de un 3.7 y ofreciendo más de 800 horas de servicio comunitario. Sandy aprovecha cada oportunidad que tiene par poder ampliar sus conocimientos en la escuela y en su comunidad. Ella quiere ir derecho a la universidad después de que se gradué de la escuela preparatoria con el deseo de convertirse en una dentista o una periodista. Ella tiene mucha confianza en si misma, pero una inseguridad que la reta es no tener la ciudadanía. Ella dependerá por completo de becas, que no requieren un número de seguro social para pagar los gastos de la universidad. Imagínese a una niña brillante y valiente que será la primera de su familia en asistir a la universidad enfrentándose a un desafío de largo plazo de pagar por la escuela, los gastos de subsistencia, encontrar un trabajo, obtener una licencia, y no poder calificar para ayuda financiera. Estos obstáculos han disminuido lentamente su sueño de asistir a una universidad después de que se gradúe de la escuela preparatoria. Ella no se limita, pero ella se da cuenta que necesitará más tiempo para llevar a cabo su sueño porque no tiene un número de seguro social. Pero luego se enfrenta a la realidad de que sin un número de seguro social hay una probabilidad de que nunca podrá alcanzar su sueño porque no podrá obtener un trabajo.

Si el Dream Act se pasa no sólo los soñadores contribuyen a pagar impuestos como Beldem menciona, pero ellos tendrán la oportunidad de continuar su educación y podrán crear un mundo mejor para vivir. También, sus oportunidades serán iguales y más estudiantes pueden llegar a ser motivados a ser alguien en la vida. Yo personalmente sé que mi amiga Sandy beneficiaria enormemente porque ella podría cumplir sus objetivos y un día regresara a la comunidad a ayudar como un buen ciudadano debe. Pero al final, como Beldem dice, "debemos aprobar las Leyes del Dream Act federales y estatales, porque es la cosa correcto de hacer”.

Why should the Dream Act be passed?

How would you feel if you were entering college with hopes of having a professional career but you are a student who is deprived from a nine digit social security number? For many students who are in this situation the Dream Act is their only hope. The federal Dream Act will allow a six-year conditional path to citizenship with the requirement of a college degree or two years in the military. As I was reading the Press Democrat newspaper, I came across a guest opinion article by Anne Beldem, a teacher in the journalism department at the Santa Rosa Junior College. The article was titled “Why thwart the dreams of youth.” Beldem discusses the stories of two of her students who would benefit greatly from the Dream Act. “Tony”,has been accepted to the journalism program at a California Sate University but he will have to pay full tuition because he does not have citizenship to apply for financial aid. After he graduates, he may not put his degree to use because he simply does not have a social security number.

When students are in situations like Tony’s, I can imagine why they do not want to reach for higher education or they perform poorly in school. This is what happened to Beldem’s second student “Grace.” Grace arrived to the United States at age four but she never realized that she was illegal until her parents told her when she was in high school. Upon learning of her status she became depressed and her grades began to fall. But she proudly worked hard and improved her grades and along with that she began to engage in community service. Beldem says, “65,000 Dreamers graduated from American high schools this spring. With a social security number, theses students can buy health, life and car insurance policies, pay fees and, most importantly taxes. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that if the Dream Act passes, Dreamers will collectively contribute $2.3billion to government revenues between 2011 and 2020.”

I can relate to what Beldem has witnessed in her journalism class with students that are Dreamers. I have many friends who are in similar situations but there is one that stands out in particular. I will call her “Sandy”. Sandy came to the United States at the age 4 after her mother became a single-mother with two children. Sandy has excelled in school especially in two areas, History and Math. Maintaining a GPA of a 3.7 and giving the community over 800 hours of community service. Sandy takes every opportunity she has to expand her knowledge in school and her community. She wants to go to a university right out of high school with the desire of becoming a dentist or a broadcaster. She is very confident overall but one insecurity that challenges her in not having citizenship. She will depend entirely on scholarships that do not require a social security number to pay for tuition. Imagine a bright courageous girl who will be the first in her family to attend college as she faces a long term challenge of paying for school, living expenses, finding a job, getting a license, and not being able to qualify for financial aid. These obstacles have slowly diminished her dream of attending a university right out of high school. She does not limit herself but she does realize that it will take longer to accomplish her dream than it would if she had a social security number. But then she faces the reality that without a social security number she may never reach her dream career because she will not be able to obtain a job.

If the Dream Act is passed not only will the dreamers contribute as tax payers like Beldem mentions, but they will have the opportunity to further their education and make our country a better place to live in. Their opportunities will be equal and more students may become motivated to be someone in life. I personally know that for my friend Sandy it will allow her to fulfill her career goals and one day give back to the community like a good citizen should. But in the end like Beldem says, “We should pass the federal and state Dream Acts because it’s the right thing to do.”

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

¿Te estas preguntando que es lo que va hacer SCPOC este verano?

¿Sabes en lo que Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition va a trabajar en este verano? Para darte un idea, los líderes del grupo van a trabajar en la campaña "Vamos a Encontrar las Respuestas/ Let’s Find the Answers." Todos los anuncios en Facebook y en nuestros blogs serán en inglés y español. En nuestra página de Facebook, vamos a publicar recursos en la comunidad para adolescentes, preguntas, y hechos. Aparte de las reuniones mensuales, los líderes del grupo asistirán a entrenamientos para ampliar sus conocimientos sobre temas relacionados con la salud mental. Uno de los objetivos de la campaña "Vamos a Encontrar las Respuestas / Let’s Find the Answers" es el de promover el bienestar en adolescentes en el Condado de Sonoma usando sitios de medios sociales .La otra meta es de que 500 personas hagan un clic en el botón “like” de nuestra página de Facebook. Hasta ahora tenemos 360 personas a quienes les gustan nuestra página .Si no has echo un clic en el botón “like” de nuestra pagina yo te animo a que la hagas. Si eres lo suficientemente rápido y haces ese clic antes del 30 de junio tendrás la oportunidad de tomar nuestro examen y colocaremos tu nombre en una rifa para ganar tarjetas de regalo de varios lugares, incluyendo Forever 21, Juice Shack, Macy’s, y dinero para la gasolina.

Los líderes del grupo son de las edades de 16 a 24 y son de diferentes escuelas preparatorias incluyendo Elsie Allen, María Carrillo, Piner, y el Colegio de Santa Rosa. Para obtener más información acerca de todos y cada uno de ellos visite nuestro sitio web y has un clic en "about us”.

Los lideres de Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition están muy emocionados de ser voluntarios en eventos comunitarios y para proyectos relacionados con la sensibilización sobre la salud mental. Si estás planeando un evento y te gustaría que los líderes del grupo tengan una mesa con información, ellos estarían encantados de hacerlo. El 13 de agosto los líderes del grupo estarán en el Festival de Verano Día y Noche como voluntarios. Esperamos verte allí! Támbien ayuden a Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition a cumplir con su meta de 500 “likes” en Facebook!

Are you wondering what the SCPOC will be doing this summer?

Do you know what the Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition will be working on this summer? To give you a heads up the Peer Leaders will be working on the “Lets Find the Answers/Vamos a Encontrar las Respuestas” campaign. All of the postings on Facebook and our blogs will be in English and Spanish. On our Facebook page we will post resources in the community for teens to access, questions, and facts. Aside from the monthly meetings, the Peer Leaders attend trainings to expand their knowledge on issues related to mental health. One of the “Lets Find the Answers/Vamos a Encontrar las Respuestas” goal is to promote teen wellness in Sonoma County by using social media sites. Another goal is to obtain 500 likes on our Facebook page so far we have 360. If you haven’t liked our page I encourage you to do so. If you are quick enough and you "Like" our page before June 30th you will have the opportunity to take our quiz and you will be entered to win gift cards from various places including Forever 21, Juice Shack, Macy’s, and even gas money.
The Peer Leaders range from the ages of 16-24 and they come from different high schools including Elsie Allen, Maria Carillo, Piner, and the Santa Rosa Junior College. To learn more about each and everyone one of them go onto our website and click on the “about us” tab.
The Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition is also very excited to table at community events and to volunteer in projects related to raising awareness on mental health. If you are planning an event and you would like the Peer Leaders to come and table they will be glad to do so. On August 13th the Peer Leaders will be at the Summer Day and Night Festival volunteering. We hope to see you there!!! Also help the Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition of Sonoma County meet their goal of 500 Facebook likes!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Una breve introducción de la Coordinadora de Medios de Comunicación Social

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Deisy Vargas y recientemente me gradué de la Escuela Preparatoria Elsie Allen. ¡Vamos Lobos! Antes de graduarme, me uní al personal de Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County, como Coordinadora de Medios de Comunicación Social para Sonoma County Peer Outreach Colaition. En el otoño asistiré a Santa Rosa Junior College. Mi objetivo final es el de transferirme a UC Berkeley. Yo estaré sacando una licenciatura en Periodismo, con una especialización en Educación. Yo tengo la esperanza de llegar a ser una periodista. Una de las cosas, de la cual yo disfruto es la de hacer una diferencia en mi comunidad. Yo he pertenecido a un grupo llamado DIG, desde que yo estuve en el séptimo grado. El objetivo de este grupo es el de crear conciencia de los problemas asociados con el consumo de alcohol entre las personas menores de edad.

Estoy muy emocionado de escribir blogs para el SCPOC y escuchar a la opinión de todos. Algunos de los temas que se discutirán incluyen la depresión, ansiedad, trastornos de la alimentación, la reducción del estigma, la prevención de las drogas, salud sexual, y muchos más temas interesantes. Nuestros blogs serán bilingües, así como puestos de nuestro Facebook. ¡Yo te animo a que conoscas todos los recursos que SCPOC pone en Facebook y tambien a que hagas comentarios en los blogs!

A brief introduction from the Social Media Coordinator

Hello everyone, my name is Deisy Vargas and I recently graduated from Elsie Allen High School. Go Lobos!!!! Prior to graduating, I joined the staff of Community Action Partnership of Sonoma County as the Social Media Coordinator for the Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition. In the fall I will be attending the Santa Rosa Junior College with my ultimate goal of transferring to UC Berkeley. I will major in Journalism (media) and minor in Education with hopes of one day becoming a broadcaster. One of the things I enjoy doing the most in making a difference in my community. I have been in a leadership group called DIG since the seventh grade. The focus of this group is to raise awareness of the problems associated with underage drinking.

I am very excited to be blogging for the SCPOC and listening to everyone’s opinions. Some topics that will be discussed include depression, anxiety, eating disorders, reducing stigma the prevention of drugs, sexual health, and many more exciting topics. Our blogs will be bilingual as well as our Facebook posts. I encourage you to check out all the resources the SCPOC posts on Facebook and to comment on our blogs!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Exciting news! A post from SCPOC Facilitator Shana Friedman

It's been a long time since I have blogged for the Sonoma County Peer Outreach Coalition! The beauty of a peer-led campaign is that our group of transitional-aged youth does all the work outreaching to other transitional aged youth. That means that as the Group Facilitator I get to do all the other work that does not involve paperwork and grant reporting. Ah, the Peer Leaders have a lot more fun than I do!

Anyway, I am excited to report that there are some big changes happening to our campaign in the next three months. The SCPOC has received generous funding from the Office on Women's Health to complete a specific project. The primary focus of our project will be implementing bilingual content into our campaign. Our Facebook, Twitter, and this blog will all be written bilingually to help us reach our diverse followers.

I would like to thank our Intern Hannah Davis for her year of hard work on this blog and the SCPOC campaign. Hannah has graduated from Sonoma State University and will be moving on to new and exciting adventures of her own. Thank you Hannah! You will be missed!

I would also like to welcome Deisy Vargas to our team. Deisy has been hired as the Social Media Coordinator to work specifically on this project for the next three months. Desiy has already started recruiting new Peer Leaders to work on this campaign. If you are interested in volunteering, please comment on this blog, on our Facebook, or send an e-mail!

Our anticipated start date is June 1st! Keep following our social media sites and let us know how we are doing!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Technology: Helpful or Harmful? By Hannah Davis

Do people rely too much on technology in today’s society? Are we getting to the point where we would rather send a text or instant message instead of calling someone or talking face to face? Could younger generations be losing important social skills due to the ease associated with talking through media devices instead of in person? Has technology made society more distant and impersonal?

From personal experience I can see both sides of the argument. On the positive side I can be more direct and honest when I’m communicating in any way besides face to face. I have a hard time expressing anger, frustration, and fear in conversations, but when I am not directly talking to another person I feel it’s okay to show these emotions. In a way, the cover of technology allows me to open up more and voice opinions that normally I am too concerned to express.

Another thing I like about technology is that it is quick. Instead of writing a letter (does anyone really do that anymore?) and waiting for it to get there, the recipient to respond, and it to get back to me, I can Skype with someone instantly. With the new technology, people can video chat with people in other countries, which is allowing them to stay connected.

Technology also removes another burden for me. I don’t know if others feel the same way as I do, but when I am communicating in person I begin to worry about what I am about to say and if it will be positively received. On the other hand, when I am emailing or texting someone I am able to carefully chose my words and fully think about what I want to tell the other person. This takes away some of the pressure I feel, as well as helps me find ways to clearly communicate to others.

But can that also be a negative aspect? Have I come to rely on technology to help me communicate and forgotten how to talk to people in person? Sometimes I worry that my shyness is perpetuated by my ability to hide behind social networks and emails. Instead of learning to talk in front of groups, which is a huge fear of mine, I can instead write a blog. I’m still getting the point across, just in another form.

But is it okay to avoid interacting in person? I have observed people neglecting those they are with to text a friend. People will take a call and end up talking to the person on the other line longer then they will to the person they are with. People are so use to using technology that people are even starting to break up with their significant others through email or social networks instead of in person. Are all of these things acceptable?

It seems people can become addicted to forms of media and communication. People in many of my classes are so obsessed with staying connected through their phones that they can’t even turn them off for an hour and a half; they must sneak text messages when the teacher isn’t looking. Others take their laptops into class and instead of paying attention are distracted by Facebook or YouTube.

So as we can clearly see technology that helps us communicate has created positive and negative issues. It helps us stay in touch, helps us communicate, and can allow us to be more open and honest. At the same time it can cause us to ignore those around us in favor of talking those who are on the other line or computer, keep us from socializing and learning how to communicate in person, and can be addictive.

So, we must ask ourselves each one question; does the ever expanding technology hinder or help us? The answer may vary for every person, and because of this everyone needs to assess their own involvement with technology. If it is starting to negatively impact your life then it’s time to consider how to cut back or improve what you are currently doing. If you are able to cope and thrive with all the technology, then maintaining that is important.

Monday, May 9, 2011

How the Teen Years Can Affect You By Hannah Davis

The teen years are very turbulent. Sometimes we encounter things that may frustrate and scare us as we age during this time. There is a lot of change going on physically, emotionally, financially and educationally.

Physically we watch as our body hits puberty; hormones start to go wild as we get more testosterone or estrogen, hair starts to grow in new places, we begin to have sexual urges and our appearance and voice change. With these changes many teens are excited to enter the dating world – we want to experience the thrill of falling in love, having our first kiss, getting to say we have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and perhaps engage in sexual activity.

Teens need to learn to deal with is their new found urges. Giving in to sexual desires may lead to feelings of guilt, worry and regret or happiness and empowerment. If they are happy with their decision they may stop controlling their desire and instead give in. This is dangerous because a person may start to have sex without protection with possible results of STI’s or pregnancy, or result in getting a reputation for being easy or a player. On the other hand, if a person feels pressured into losing their virginity or engaging in certain sexual actions they may become depressed or turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with their decision.

These physical changes can and often do impact us mentally and emotionally. As our sexuality and body mature we must face new experiences, some good and some bad. For example, we watch others and compare our body to theirs and may worry that we are changing too quickly or slowly. As we get more self conscious about our bodies we may begin to get self-esteem problems and see our physical appearance as less then desirable. This can sometimes lead to eating disorders or other troubling habits to control and achieve a desired look.

During the teen years we begin to take on more responsibilities. We get jobs which allow us a new form of freedom; the ability to buy whatever we want with the money we have worked hard to earn. But with power comes great responsibility. Perhaps our college tuitions aren’t being paid for by our parents, so we begin to worry about keeping enough money to support ourselves. Taxes, bills, student loans, and other money issues may start to enter our lives. This can lead to stress and possibly depression if you feel that you don’t have enough money to do all the things you want and need.

But those aren’t the only things that teens must learn to deal with. There are multiple school changes, with the hardest most likely being the transition from high school to college. This change brings a teen more independence but also more money issues, responsibilities, and stress. We move out of the house (and potentially very far away), we get roommates, even tougher classes, and the added pressure to find out what we want to be when we grow up as well as attaining that goal through education. A lot of the time we don’t know anyone at the school and therefore meet and make friends with a whole new group of people. All these things can be hard on a person and lead to problems in their life.

I am sure there are other changes I have forgotten to mention. Each person has a unique life and experiences their teen years differently. For some they may ease on through, others may struggle at every turn, and those left over will have their high and low moments. The good thing is most people understand what teenagers are going through, having experienced it themselves, and want to help you through any hard times your teenage years may bring you.

Remember that change is necessary and good. It allows us to try and do new things, explore who we are, and grow up. Sometimes being a teenager may seem like the worst thing ever but keep in mind that soon you will be older and will be able to look back on these years.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Facts on Suicide By Intern Hannah Davis

Suicide is a very serious topic that many people avoid talking about, but some things need to be discussed. If this saves even one life then it has been worth every second it takes me to write this blog.

First off let me start by saying if you or a friend is having suicidal thoughts get professional help immediately!

According to, four out of five teen suicide attempts are preceded by clear warning signs. If you think a friend may be suicidal you should look for these signs:

  • they withdrawal from people they love such as family and friends

  • they either loose or gain a lot of weight

  • they starts to sleep all the time or very little

  • they begins to give away their possessions

  • there is any talk about suicide

  • they stop participating in activities they use to enjoy

  • they pick up self destructive habits such as drinking, driving recklessly, and taking drugs

If any of these things are occurring you should talk to people you and your friend can trust. This can include teachers, family members, a school counselor, doctor, or an adult friend. You can also contact certain support groups by calling 1-800-suicide to reach The Hotline For Suicide Crisis, the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-talk, or 911. There are also helpful online resources at, and

Sadly suicide is the third-leading cause of death for people between the ages of 15 and 24. The risk increases when there are firearms easily accessible to a suicidal person. Rates for girls are higher in their number of attempts, but since the common method for women is drugs and cutting, they survive more often. Boys, on the other hand, die about four times more often then girls because they use more dangerous methods such as hanging, jumping from heights, and guns.

What can cause a person to want to end their life? Teens who are depressed, may be using alcohol and drugs, could have been subject to physical or sexual abuse, or may dealing with their homosexuality in an nonsupporting family or environment; these are just a few examples of what lead to a higher risk for attempting suicide. Other factors include a family history of suicide or depression, lacking a supportive network, feeling isolated, and feelings of distress, irritability, or agitation.

Since so many teens attempt or succeed in committing suicide, chances are you know someone who has done this. I remember in junior high school one of the students hung himself in the bathrooms. Even to this day I get upset when I think about the loss of this person. It is typical and okay to be angry at the person who killed themselves. You may be mad that they gave up and left you behind. Or you may feel guilty because you couldn’t stop them from hurting themselves. Or you may feel confused, lost and sad. All of these emotions can be very strong and need to be discussed with a trusted person, preferably a counselor or professional, in order to help you get through these hard times.

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Pressure to be Perfect By Hannah Davis

Why are looks so important to our society? There are stereotypes abounding about what the perfect man or woman should look like. A desired man tends to be tall and muscular while women need to be lean, tall and endowed with large boobs. People are struggling with their reflection because society has put so much pressure on everyone to be attractive and seductive.

I don’t know about you but I feel the pressure to always look my best, buy the trendy clothing, and use dieting and exercise to reach that impossible body image of models. While I may not actually do all these things, there is a voice in the back of my mind that says I should. Others are dealing with these demands by undergoing drastic processes like plastic surgery. Others are developing mental disorders such as eating disorders or body dysmorphic disorder where they believe themselves to be ugly even if they have no noticeable flaws.

In regards to plastic surgery, the trend is quite frightening to me. Since 1997, there has been more than a 162% increase in cosmetic surgery. The top five surgical procedures for men, according to the ASAPS’s 2008 statistics on cosmetic surgery, were liposuction, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, hair transplants and breast reduction surgery. Women’s top five was breast augmentation, liposuction, eyelid surgery, abdonimoplasty and breast reduction. There is now even a television show called Bridalplasty that has women competing to earn cosmetic surgery so their wedding can be “perfect”. I watched an episode once and was shocked when the show’s host told the contestant being kicked off that “she would have a nice wedding, but not a perfect one” because she wasn’t going to have a change to get surgery. This message alarms me and makes me wonder if society has gone too far in its reach for perfection.

Then there are eating disorders, which are more common then you may think. According to South Carolina’s Department of Mental Health, around 8 million Americans have an eating disorder and almost half of all Americans personally know someone who has an eating disorder. Whether it is anorexia, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder, these disorders have been attributed with the highest level of mortality when compared to all other mental illnesses. The treatment is costly and not very effective; many people don’t even try to get help.

Why is it that 50% of girls between 11 and 13 see themselves overweight? What has allowed us to have anorexia as the third most common chronic illness among adolescents? Is it all the celebrities who have had eating disorders, the media’s pressure to be thin, or because of a pervasive mindset that has found its way into our culture?

And then there is body dysmporhic disorder, also called imagined ugliness, where people are excessively dissatisfied with a part of their appearance, imagined or minor imperfections, which constantly occupy their thoughts and make them feel horrible. These individuals obsess about the imperfection and use compulsions to try and relieve tensions. Because they are ashamed or upset by their appearance, people with body dysmorphic disorder tend to avoid others by staying home or covering up their perceived imperfection.

When I researched the disorder I came to a very helpful website called, which has information for parents, kids, and teens. On their website they stated that the disorder tends to start in the teen years and may be caused by a combination of an imbalance in serotonin levels and cultures messages about body image. If the problem isn’t treated early on it can continue into adulthood and affect the person’s life in many ways, including unpleasant thoughts about their body, long and repeated grooming processes, and eventually isolation that results in dropping out of school or losing a job in order to avoid people who will see their imperfections.

All of the above processes show how people try to deal with society’s pressure to be perfect and its affect on men and women. Each is a severe issue that needs to be looked at in order to help those people develop a healthy lifestyle and outlook on their body.

So let’s take a stand against modern society’s perception of beauty. Let’s all embrace who we are, flaws and all, and accept that what we have is beautiful.

If you need help with an eating disorder please contact the National Eating Disorders Association at 1-800-913-2237 or at their website

Do we want to be a cookie cutter society where everyone looks the same; women are tan, blonde and skinny where men are rippling with muscles, athletic, and tall? Personally I don’t want that future. If you don’t either then take a stand and tell someone they are beautiful for exactly who they are. Look into your mirror and believe the person staring back is perfect. Learn to love yourself.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Motivations in School

An article posted on Psychology Today caught my attention. In Barry Swartz’s “Do Grades As Incentives Work?” the author wonders if grades make students merely work harder. In other words, he asked is the pressure to complete all assignments to get an ‘A’ teaching us anything besides how to get work done. Are we learning the material? Or are we regurgitating what teachers say in order to get a high GPA?

Why do we study hard? For many it’s to get a good grade. But shouldn’t it be for the love of learning?

In my humble opinion I believe that students, by the time they have reached college for sure, but most likely by junior high or high school, have learned that to get the grade we must recite exactly what the teacher says. Most people are afraid to challenge a teacher’s ideas in fear that they will be punished with a lower grade. So, we reread our notes right before a test and recite word for word what teachers want to hear. And as soon as we walk out of the classroom the valuable information slips away.

We also must think about the students. There are the lucky few who barely have to open a book, can skip class, and still get an “easy A” without really trying. Can people honestly say these kids have learned anything that semester? It may be more realistic to say these particular students are able to use their skills in certain techniques such as writing and test taking which allows them to slide on by without effort. They have achieved the desired grade, but learned nothing.

On the other side we see students who struggle to get good grades and really want to learn but aren’t able to do so. Schwartz says in his article “the students in the bottom half of the class--students whose learning we want to encourage--know that the odds of high grades and high rankings are stacked against them. If we corrupt students' souls by convincing them that the main motive for learning are high grades and honors, we end up de-motivating, and de-moralizing, those students who have little chance for the top rankings.” Over time they begin to give up and stop trying to learn.

So it looks to me like the grading system is flawed. Instead of focusing on learning valuable information we can use in the future, we are instead using any means possible to get a good grade, or we simply stop caring. Either way this isn’t helping students prepare for their future.

But what can be done? It isn’t likely that any time soon schools will even consider getting rid of the grading system, so how can teachers encourage students to work hard and actually learn at the same time? That is a question that isn’t easy to answer. Thankfully everyone goes through school and therefore has valuable information and feelings in regards to this topic. Maybe one of us, the frustrated students who are ready for something better, who will eventually discover a way to improve our school systems.